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Welcome Lovies! ♥

Saturday, June 01, 2013 Unknown 0 Comments Category : , , , , , , , ,

"I'll spread my wings and I'll learn how to fly

I'll do what it takes 'til I touch the sky

And I'll make a wish, take a chance, make a change


Greetings Earthlings! Smiley Hear Ye, Hear Ye!
Welcome to my humble blog!

Maybe, you'll ask why on Earth am I here. I'm here to start a new chapter in my life. A change, perhaps. If there's one thing in the world that you can't change, it's change. I'm here to break away. This blog will help me escape from the uncertainties and complications in life. This is an outlet of my soul. Putting my thoughts into writing is a hobby I started not a long time ago and I found out that it actually helped me to relieve some of the inevitable crunches and distastes of life. You can't call me a professional but I'm trying to be a sensible one.

I'm the kind of gal who likes to surf the internet. I'm quite addicted to social media websites; posting status, uploading pictures, liking and commenting, chatting and all the possible things you can do on the net. I'm inspired. I'm slothful and wanting to make good use of my time and the internet as well. Also, I want to make a good excuse whenever I take too much pictures. SmileyAdd these up, I'm now into blogging.

I welcome myself in the world of bloggers and I welcome you all to my CRAZY world. Smiley

I'll try my very best to give some information (ahmm, just a little~ Free Matrix Smiley Courtesy of www.FreeSmileys.org ) about anything under the sun. Please bear with me. Smiley TBH, I really thank you for reaching this part. Thanks much for wasting your time. Sorry, please SMILE. ^^
Big Smileys

Keep posted. See you guys! Smiley